Saturday, October 15, 2011

Pumkin Flavored Jack-o-lanterns! 7th 52!

I wish I could've made more of these! I made these cupcakes for Tyler Arboretum's Pumpkin Days. I used to volunteer for Tyler at their butterfly house. I thought the recipe for the muffins would make 24 muffins but it only made 16. The container I put them in only held 14 so my family split the remaining 2. I used to not like pumpkin bread but now it tastes great to me!! Maybe because I haven't had it in a while.... anyway I used a pumpkin bread mix and poured it into cupcake pans. The cook book I used used tootsie rolls for the Jack-o-lantern cutouts but I used ready made fondant by mixing together the 4 colors I have to make a purplish brownish color. Cutting out those little shapes is not fun!!!! It took me forever!! And then I couldn't get my icing to turn deep orange, I didn't have orange food coloring so i used yellow and red but then I didn't see that you could use cocoa powder to make your orange more orange! But they turned out really cute so its all good!! Here is the recipe and pics!!!

  • Pumpkin Bread Muffins (I used a mix from trader joes)
  • 1 Container of white frosting (its better if its not whipped)
  • Orange food coloring (or yellow and red)
  • Cocoa Powder
  • Tootsie Rolls (or brown fondant)
  • Wheat Pretzel twists
  • Quart sized plastic bag
To Prepare:Make The pumpkin bread muffins and let them cool. If your using tootsie rolls put them in the microwave for a few seconds to warm them up (I think it would be easier if you just use fondant because its a LOT easier to roll out) roll your fondant/tootsie rolls and cut them into eyes, mouths, and noses. Dye your icing orange with the food coloring and cocoa powder. Put about 1/3 to 1/2 of the icing into a quart sized bag (use a quart size because their usually the thickest) and snip a hole at the corner of the bag and ice the cupcake like pumpkins with thick stripes for the ribs in the pumpkins. Break off the ends of the pretzel twists and stick it in the top of the cupcake like the stem of a pumpkin. Attach the mouths, eyes, and noses to the pumpkins and you have created a jack-o-lantern cupcake!