Sunday, September 4, 2011


So at my Grandmom's Birthday party I made Bee Cake Pops.  Once I get pictures of them I will post them but until then I want to tell you how I came about making them!  For my birthday I got this book called Cake Pops by Bakerella.  I didn't really think about the author because I was to busy drooling over the delicious food in the book. But when I realized that nobody would name their kid Bakerella I looked it up online.  Bakerella is a popular baking blog started by Angela Dudley.  Angela doesn't have any formal baking experience just a passion to try new things.  The recipe for the bee's was on her site along with a lot of other cool recipes and ideas to try.  You will probably see many of my 52's on her site. I have attached the URL to her site if anyone wants to check it out or buy the cake pops book.

1 comment:

  1. Do you need bee cake pop pictures? I took a bunch at Grandmom's party. =)
